
Saint Andrew’s Society of SW Florida, Inc. is the result of informal gatherings of a few hearty Scots during the early 1990s. The Society was incorporated in the state of Florida as a nonprofit corporation on April 24, 1998.

The Society is a 501(c)(3) public charity whose purposes are:

  • To preserve and promote Scottish heritage, culture, literature, its visual and performing arts.
  • To educate the public and the membership regarding the history and culture of Scotland by promoting programs and events for these purposes.
  • To provide scholarships to FGCU students to study in Scotland.


A variety of events are held throughout the winter season including:

With the support of several local churches the Society members have annually participated in “Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans”, a symbolic, colorful and moving event highlighted by an impressive forty or more tartan banners and bagpipe band.

A fall event such as a Ceilidh, a Scottish themed party, with a Scottish Music band, dinner and dancing.

The year’s high point, the Robert Burns’ Supper, in late January, honoring Scotland’s greatest bard, near the anniversary birthday of the poet, on January 25, 1759.

A Tartan Day Celebration in March with whisky tasting and a silent auction to raise funds for the FGCO Scotland Scholarship Program.

We are always looking for items for the Silent Auction that is held as part of the Tartan Day Celebration usually held in March. Things that work well are anything Scottish, Gift Certificates, and Special Wines or Whiskies.   If you have an item, please contact Dave Carpenter at 239-675-1848 or email at motorvoter@icloud.com. All funds raised through the auction will go to the Doug and Anne Gebbie Scholarship fund for study in Scotland.

Many thanks for your loyal support!

A couple of informal happy hours held in December and February, usually held at the Pub in Mercato, Naples.

Please See the Calendar of Events tab for this year’s events and dates

All functions are open to members, their families and guests.


The Officers and Board of Directors are elected at the annual meeting of the Society Persons eligible to hold office are required to be active members in good standing. Currently, membership is approximately a hundred enthusiastic Scots, including spouses.


Membership is open to any person twenty-one years of age or older who is either of Scottish birth or descent or who is interested in the history, customs and culture of Scotland.

Join St. Andrew’s Today!

We also have a Facebook page:  www.facebook.com/Saint Andrews Society of Southwest Florida